Kristina Girke is a German artist.
Solo Exhibitions (selection)
2020 | Transitions, Gallery THEARTH, Bowen Island, BC, Canada |
2018/ 19 | Palimpsest, (exhibition & performance), Philipps-University of Marburg Palimpsest, Gallery Schmalfuss, Marburg-Berlin, Germany |
2017 | Anderwelten, Galerie Rother-Winter, Wiesbaden, Germany |
2016 | Heroen von Utopia, Matthäikirche am Potsdamer Platz, Foundation St. Matthäus Berlin, Germany |
Geometrie des Unmöglichen, Kunstverein Trier Junge Kunst, Trier, Germany | |
2015 | Ich bin. Also male ich. 37th Cabinet Exhibition at Bishop Center Berlin, Stiftung St. Matthäus Berlin, Germany |
2014 | TAXUS ROSEN – eine malerische Setzung, Foundation Kloster Ilsenburg, Ilsenburg, Germany |
2013 | Sacred Destinations, Kunstverein Salzgitter, Museum Schloss Salder, Salzgitter, Germany |
2012 | Geometrie des Himmels, Gallery Wild Zürich, Switzerland |
2011 | Beim Frühstück hat sich Gott verkrümelt, Michael Schultz Gallery Berlin – Seoul – Beijing, Berlin, Germany |
2010 | Running Away From Paradise, Michael Schultz Gallery Seoul, Korea |
Urknall, CAS – Contemporary Art Space, Salzburg, Austria | |
2009 | Vorsicht Explosiv!, Galerie Schilling Contemporary, Stuttgart, Germany |
Das siebente Ornament, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany | |
2007 | Terpentine Turbulenzen, Galerie Schilling Contemporary, Stuttgart, Germany |
2006 | Kulturschäden, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany |
2005 | Der Irrgarten, Galerie Schilling Contemporary, Stuttgart, Germany |
2004 | Laut singen am Wasserfall, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany |
2000 | MountainToys, Städtische Galerie Marktschlößchen, Halle/ Saale, Germany |
1999 | Fremd, Ethnological Museum, Berlin State Museums, Berlin, Germany |
1998 | Autoretratos de l’Alma, Galería Salár, Centro de Àrtes y Comunicación, La Paz, Bolivia |
Autoretratos de l’Alma, GOETHE-Institut La Paz, Bolivia |
Group Exhibitions (selection)
2016 | ProletariArt, CBU Art Gallery Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada |
2015 | FULL HOUSE, Kunsthalle Erfurt at Molsdorf Palace, Erfurt, Germany |
Sicher ist, dass nichts sicher ist, Kunstverein Soest, Germany | |
2014 | drawn – gezeichnet – dessiné, Kunstverein Bodenburg, Germany |
2013 | Winterreise, Gallery Wild, Zürich, Switzerland |
2012 | Spring Group Show, Gallery Thomas Jaeckel, New York City, USA |
White Box Arts and Humanity Award, White Box Gallery, NYC, USA | |
2011 | Fragments of Indian Sum, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany |
Kleine Welten, Contemporary Art Space Salzburg, Austria | |
2009 | Selection of XV Biennial of Cerveira at LX Factory, Lisbon, Portugal |
XV Internacional Biennial of Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal | |
2008 | Close-up, Por Amor À Arte Galeria, Porto, Portugal |
Mountain View, Michael Schultz Gallery, Seoul, Korea | |
2007 | Salzmond, Kunstraum Klosterkirche, Traunstein, Germany |
Gallery Kampl, München, Germany | |
2006 | Der blaue Engel, Gallery Bekker vom Rath, Frankfurt (Main), Germany |
RIO, Artnews Projects, Berlin, Germany | |
2005 | Pintura y escultura de la colección Irene Cabez y Ignacio Munoz, Fundación Antonio Pérez, Cuenca / Spain |
back to the line, Kunsthalle Dresden | |
Vier gewinnt – Kunst aus Berlin, Gallery Peerlings, Krefeld, Germany | |
2004 | Galerie Peter Tedden, Duesseldorf, Germany |
Berlin Now, Gallery Jörg Hasenbach, Antwerpen, Belgium | |
Arena, Kunstverein Talstraße e. V., Halle (Saale), Germany | |
Made in Germany, Galleria San Carlo, Milan, Italy | |
Der Mythos küsst den Alltag, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany | |
now…, Galerie Levy Hamburg, Galería Castellana, Madrid, Spain | |
2001 | 15. Bundeskunstwettbewerb, Art and Exhibition Hall of Germany, Bonn, Germany |