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Kristina Girke is a German artist.

Solo Exhibitions (selection)

2020Transitions, Gallery THEARTH, Bowen Island, BC, Canada
2018/ 19Palimpsest, (exhibition & performance), Philipps-University of Marburg
Palimpsest, Gallery Schmalfuss, Marburg-Berlin, Germany
2017Anderwelten, Galerie Rother-Winter, Wiesbaden, Germany
2016Heroen von Utopia, Matthäikirche am Potsdamer Platz, Foundation St. Matthäus Berlin, Germany
Geometrie des Unmöglichen, Kunstverein Trier Junge Kunst, Trier, Germany
2015Ich bin. Also male ich. 37th Cabinet Exhibition at Bishop Center Berlin, Stiftung St. Matthäus Berlin, Germany
2014TAXUS ROSEN – eine malerische Setzung, Foundation Kloster Ilsenburg, Ilsenburg, Germany
2013Sacred Destinations, Kunstverein Salzgitter, Museum Schloss Salder, Salzgitter, Germany
2012Geometrie des Himmels, Gallery Wild Zürich, Switzerland
2011Beim Frühstück hat sich Gott verkrümelt, Michael Schultz Gallery Berlin – Seoul – Beijing, Berlin, Germany
2010Running Away From Paradise, Michael Schultz Gallery Seoul, Korea
Urknall, CAS – Contemporary Art Space, Salzburg, Austria
2009Vorsicht Explosiv!, Galerie Schilling Contemporary, Stuttgart, Germany
Das siebente Ornament, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany
2007Terpentine Turbulenzen, Galerie Schilling Contemporary, Stuttgart, Germany
2006Kulturschäden, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany
2005Der Irrgarten, Galerie Schilling Contemporary, Stuttgart, Germany
2004Laut singen am Wasserfall, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany
2000MountainToys, Städtische Galerie Marktschlößchen, Halle/ Saale, Germany
1999Fremd, Ethnological Museum, Berlin State Museums, Berlin, Germany
1998Autoretratos de l’Alma, Galería Salár, Centro de Àrtes y Comunicación, La Paz, Bolivia
Autoretratos de l’Alma, GOETHE-Institut La Paz, Bolivia

Group Exhibitions (selection)

2016ProletariArt, CBU Art Gallery Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
2015FULL HOUSE, Kunsthalle Erfurt at Molsdorf Palace, Erfurt, Germany
Sicher ist, dass nichts sicher ist, Kunstverein Soest, Germany
2014drawn – gezeichnet – dessiné, Kunstverein Bodenburg, Germany
2013Winterreise, Gallery Wild, Zürich, Switzerland
2012Spring Group Show, Gallery Thomas Jaeckel, New York City, USA
White Box Arts and Humanity Award, White Box Gallery, NYC, USA
2011Fragments of Indian Sum, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Kleine Welten, Contemporary Art Space Salzburg, Austria
2009Selection of XV Biennial of Cerveira at LX Factory, Lisbon, Portugal
XV Internacional Biennial of Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal
2008Close-up, Por Amor À Arte Galeria, Porto, Portugal
Mountain View, Michael Schultz Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2007Salzmond, Kunstraum Klosterkirche, Traunstein, Germany
Gallery Kampl, München, Germany
2006Der blaue Engel, Gallery Bekker vom Rath, Frankfurt (Main), Germany
RIO, Artnews Projects, Berlin, Germany
2005Pintura y escultura de la colección Irene Cabez y Ignacio Munoz, Fundación Antonio Pérez, Cuenca / Spain
back to the line, Kunsthalle Dresden
Vier gewinnt – Kunst aus Berlin, Gallery Peerlings, Krefeld, Germany
2004Galerie Peter Tedden, Duesseldorf, Germany
Berlin Now, Gallery Jörg Hasenbach, Antwerpen, Belgium
Arena, Kunstverein Talstraße e. V., Halle (Saale), Germany
Made in Germany, Galleria San Carlo, Milan, Italy
Der Mythos küsst den Alltag, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
now…, Galerie Levy Hamburg, Galería Castellana, Madrid, Spain
200115. Bundeskunstwettbewerb, Art and Exhibition Hall of Germany, Bonn, Germany